
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Kreativ Blogger Award...

I received an award from the lovely Micah of the blog "Notions of Fancy." It's kind of funny that I received this award because as you know from my last post; I'm not feeling so creative. Thanks so much Micah!! I do appreciate the award!!! I'm supposed to list 7 things about myself and then pass the award to 7 others.

1. When I was 5 years old, I handed out loads of "Flinstone" vitamins to the neighborhood kids (this was before childproof lids). We all ended up getting really sick and puking in my backyard and I got in major trouble...oops.

2. I love putting A-1 steak sauce on macaroni and cheese.

3. I have to have my coffee super hot or I can't drink it.

4. I used to make my prospective boyfriends watch the movie "Wuthering Heights" and if they didn't shed a tear, then they were "out." (Luckily my husband passed the test).

5. I used to be a Church Youth Leader for high school students.

6. My mother has 9 brothers and sisters and their names all start with the letter "J." I decided to continue the "J" tradition by naming my son Jordan.

7. I am an only child, but always wanted an older brother.

Ok, now I am passing this on to 7 of my favorite bloggers.

1. Debbie Eggizio (did you see her on
HGTV's "That's Clever" today?)

2. Scrappy Jessi (she's very talented and such a sweetheart!)

3. Autumn Rae Art (Such beautiful portrait work)

4. Katielynn (such a crack-up; I love this girl!)

5. Kaili Art (wonderful artwork; I could look at her work for hours).

6. MLB Studios (Such beautiful mixed media and paperclay sculptures).

7. Linda Vincent (Beautiful artwork!!)

Thanks for looking!!


Autumn said...

Thank you for the award, Shonna!!! You're so kind! I loved your list--so fun and FUNNY!

Kaili Ittensohn said...

Wow, thank you Shonna, I am really flattered! And thanks for the lovely comment on my work too. I am loving all your recent work too, it is really evolving and becoming your own. Thanks again. I will be sure to pass on the love.

katie lynn said...

awww! Thank you Shonna! You are hilarious. I would have never pegged you for the neighborhood vitamin dealer Hhahaa! <3

Kolleen said...

congrats on the award!!! i was cracking up about the dealing of the Flintstone vitamins and the "test" of Wuthering Heights!!! too funny!!!

Linda Vincent said...

Hi Shonna....that is so sweet of you, thank you very much!! I'm with you re: the coffee (and soup and tea)- my husband says I have an asbestos mouth!
Hope the craft bazaar goes well for you; your paintings are wonderful.
Linda ♥

Diane Duda said...

I love A-1 on halushki. But now I'm going to have to try mac and cheese too. :)