
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Kingdom Come "Free" Online Class!!!

I am super excited to announce a free online class that I am getting ready to launch in September!! It is called Kingdom Come. You may or may not know that I am a Christian. I have recently started really getting back into God's word and finally feel like I am learning what it means to have a "personal relationship" with Jesus.

I have been praying that God will show me how to serve others with my art and this is what I (with His help) have come up with.

This course is going to start Sunday, September 14 and consist of 5 weeks in an art journal (which I will show you how to make).

Week 1: "Jesus Saves"-Art journal page based on Jesus and who he is.
Week 2: "Step out of the Boat"-An art journal page on trusting God and his plan for you.
Week 3: "Anchor For My Soul"- Art based on assurance of our Faith.
Week 4: "I exalt Thee"- Art journal page on praise and worship.
Week 5: "Love God, Love People"- Art journal page on loving God and being a light in the world.

The course will be on my Ning site twistedfigures . So head on over to become a member. You will also have your own page on the site where you can upload a profile picture, photos etc. I would love for you to join the site; I just got it up and running, and it could use some love!!

I also have a Facebook Group for the course, that I would love for you to be part of.

I want to also say that this course and group is for anyone!! If you are a believer...Amen!!! If you aren't sure, but are searching for something...awesome!!! If you just want somewhere to go that is a loving, caring and supportive art environment....come and join us!! The motto for this class is simple... "Love God, Love People."

I hope to meet you and get to know you wherever you are on your spiritual journey.


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